The single adjustable lanyard for work at height Petzl Progress Adjust I is a dynamic progression lanyard that in the event of a fall transforms the fall force transmitted to the user into elastic energy. It should be noted that the lanyard does not have an energy absorber and should only be used if the fall factor is less than 1, this means that the user must always position himself under the Jumar Ascension handle or the anchor point.
Progress Adjust I, if combined with another progression lanyard and therefore a second secure lanyard, allows you any type of progression (ascent, overcoming a traverse, a handrail, a splitting, etc.).
The Adjust ascender can be positioned on the anchor or on the ventral attachment point of the harness. Thanks to the Stuart accessory, the connector remains in the correct position when the ascender is positioned on the ventral attachment point of the harness.
Compatible with the opening ventral attachment point of the Astro harnesses. Progress Adjust I also allows you to adjust its length up to 100 cm using the Adjust ring.
The use is simple and intuitive, the quick and precise adjustment, the fast and safe carabiner.
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